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Lent 2018

Lent has often been a time for Christians to pause and reflect on what Jesus went through for us, and how we respond.

To pray and consider God's love for us in Jesus, and what it means to live as forgiven people, in the power of his Holy Spirit.

During the 40 days leading up to Easter, here are some suggestions and ideas for ways to use this time:

New Series - Proverbs

On Sundays we'll be reading sections from the Book of Proverbs - God's Wisdom for his people.

What does it mean to live a faithful life?

How do we gain wisdom and use it well?

Where can we seek answers and ideas for how to be the people God's re-made us to be?

It's questions like these that this series will give space and time to discuss.

If you're not in a homegroup but would like to join a small group for Lent, please speak to Tom.

Diocese Lent Course

Our Diocese has produced a Lent Course which uses art as a spark to discussion of what it means to live the Christian life.

Rev'd Vanessa Baron is leading a discussion group on Tuesdays throughout Lent, 11am-12.15pm in All Saints Church.

Everyone is welcome, begins Tuesday 20th February.

Creative Scripture Response

The idea is to have a creative response to a scripture for each day of Lent.

It could be a drawing, photograph, poem, piece of prose, dance, song, painting, sculpture, physical act... Anything at all!

There's a Facebook group (link here) which will provide space to share your responses, find inspiration and encourage each other.

The daily scripture will be posted each day for people to respond.


The Church of England is encouraging people to 'Let your light shine' for Lent 2018.

They have produced daily reflections which can be ordered as a book, or sent as texts and emails.

You can find out more and sign up for free here: Live Lent

Ash Wednesday

Vanessa is offering a traditional Ash Wednesday service to mark the beginning of Lent and to pray with a focus on forgiveness.

9.30am and 6pm in All Saints, Wednesday 14th February.