Annual Meeting & Reports
Each year we have an Annual Church Meeting to appoint representatives and discuss our reports. This year our APCM will be held in All Saints Church on Wednesday 24th April 2024 from 7.30pm. For a copy of the Agenda click Here
Each year we produce a number of reports on the life of the Church, in accordance with the Charity Commission guidelines. You can download these reports by clicking on the following links:
- Annual Report: AllSaintsChurchWick-TrusteesReportfor2023-PDF.pdf
- Financial accounts: AllSaintsChurchWick-FinalAccounts-12.04.2024-Finalsigned.pdf
- Independent Examiners report on Accounts: AllSaintsChurchWick-IndependentExaminersReport-12.04.2024.pdf
Each year we also update our Electoral Roll. If you live in the parish or have worshipped with us (including online) for 6 months or longer then you are entitled to be on the electoral roll. You can download and print the forms below, and return them to our Electoral Roll Officer, Alison Manester, at 31 Clun Road, Littlehampton:
Application-for-Enrolment-Electoral-Roll.pdf (best for printing)
Application-for-Enrolment-Electoral-Roll.docx (best for editing/emailing)
Or you can complete the form and email it to Alison at
Parochial Church Council
If you have any questions about any of this, please see our Church of England FAQs or get in touch with Mark or the churchwardens, Clare and Ann.