Year of Faith
Church Life
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Year of Faith
Church Life
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Weekly Devotions - Philippians
Weds 6th December Philippians 4:10-23
Weds 29th November Philippians 4:2-9
Weds 22nd November Philippians 3:15-4:1
Weds 15th November Philippians 3:1-14
Weds 8th November Philippians 2:19-30
Weds 1st November Philippians 2:12-18
Weds 25th October Philippians 2:1-11
Weds 18th October Philippians 1:27-30
Weds 11th October Philippians 1:12-26
Weds 4th October Philippians 1:1-11
Weekly Devotions - Ephesians
Weds 20th September - Ephesians 6:10-23
Weds 13th September - Ephesians 6:1-9
Weds 27th September - Ephesians 6:21-24
Weds 6th September - Ephesians 5:21-33
Weds 30th August - Ephesians 5:3-20
Weds 23rd August - Ephesians 4:32-5:2
Weds 16th August - Ephesians 4:17-32
Weds 2nd August - Ephesians 4:1-16
Weds 26th July - Ephesians 3:14-21
Weds 19th July - Ephesians 3:1-13
Weds 12th July - Ephesians 2:11-22
Weds 5th July - Ephesians 2:1-10
Weds 28th June - Ephesians 1:15-23
Weekly Devotions - Psalms
Weds 7th June - Psalm 147
Weds 31st May - Psalm 145
Weds 23rd May - Psalm 140
Weds 17th May - Psalm 138
Weds 10th May - Psalm 133
Weds 3rd May - Psalm 131
Weds 26th April - Psalm 126
Weds 19th April - Psalm 124
Weds 11th April - Psalm 119
Weds 5th April - Psalm 117
Weds 29th March - Psalm 112
Weds 22nd March - Psalm 110
Weds 15th March - Psalm 105
Weds 8th March - Psalm 103
Weds 1st March - Psalm 98
Weds 22 February - Psalm 96
Weds 15 February - Psalm 91
Weds 8 February - Psalm 89
Weds 1 February - Psalm 84
Weds 25 January - Psalm 82
Weds 18 January - Psalm 77
Weds 11 January - Psalm 75
Weds 20 December - Psalm 70
Weds 13 December - Psalm 68
Weds 6 December - Psalm 63
Weds 30 November - Psalm 61
Weds 23 November - Psalm 56
Weds 28 September - Psalm 49
Weds 21 September - Psalm 47
Weds 14 September - Psalm 40
Weds 7 September - Psalm 34
Weds 10 August - Psalm 33
Weds 27 July - Psalm 26
Weds 3 August - Psalm 27
Weds 20 July - Psalm 20
Weds 13 July - Psalm 13
Weds 6 July - Psalm 19
Weds 29 June - Psalm 12
Weds 22 June - Psalm 6
Weds 15 June - Psalm 5
Weds 8 June - Psalm 144
Weds 25 May - Psalm 137
Weds 18 May - Psalm 130
Weds 11 May - Psalm 123
Weds 4 May - Psalm 116
Weds 27 April - Psalm 109
Weds 6 April - Psalm 95
Weds 13 April - Psalm 102
Weds 30 March - Psalm 88
Weds 23 March - Psalm 81
Weds 16 March - Psalm 74
Weds 9 March - Psalm 67
Weds 2 March - Psalm 60
Weds 23 February - Psalm 53
Weds 16 February - Psalm 46
Weds 9 February - Psalm 39
Weds 2 February - Psalm 32
Weds 26th January - Psalm 25
Weds 19th January - Psalm 18
Weds 12th January - Psalm 11
Weds 5th January - Psalm 4
Weds 29th December - Psalm 146
Weds 22nd December - Psalm 139
Weds 1st December - Psalm 118
Weds 8th December - Psalm 125
Weds 15th December - Psalm 132
Weds 24th November - Psalm 111
Weds 17th November - Psalm 104
Weds 10th November - Psalm 97
Weds 3rd November - Psalm 90
Weds 27th October - Psalm 83
Weds 20th October - Psalm 76
Weds 13th October - Psalm 69
Weds 6th October - Psalm 62
Weds 29th September - Psalm 55
Weds 22nd September - Psalm 48
Weds 15th September - Psalm 41
Weds 8th September - Psalm 35
Weds 28th July - Psalm 28
Weds 21st July - Psalm 21
Weds 14th July - Psalm 14
Weds 7th July - Psalm 7
Weds 30th June - Psalm 150
Weds 23rd June - Psalm 143
Weds 9th June - Psalm 129
Weds 16th June - Psalm 136
Weds 2nd June - Psalm 122
Weds 26th May - Psalm 115
Weds 12th May - Psalm 101
Weds 19th May - Psalm 108
Weds 5th May - Psalm 94
Weds 28th April - Psalm 87
Weds 14th April - Psalm 73
Weds 21st April - Psalm 80
Weds 7th April - Psalm 66
Weds 31st March - Psalm 59
Weds 24th March - Psalm 52
Weds 17th March - Psalm 45
Weds 10th March - Psalm 38
Weds 3rd March - Psalm 31
Weds 24th February - Psalm 24
Weds 17th February - Psalm 17
Weds 10th February - Psalm 9 and 10
Weds 3rd February - Psalm 3
Weds 27th January - Psalm 149
Weds 20th January - Psalm 142
Weds 6th January - Psalm 128
Weds 13th January - Psalm 135
Weds 23rd December - Psalm 121
Weds 16th December - Psalm 114
Weds 9th December - Psalm 107
Weds 2nd December - Psalm 100
Weds 25th November - Psalm 93
Weds 18th November - Psalm 86
Weds 11th November - Psalm 79
Weds 4th November - Psalm 72
Weds 28th October - Psalm 65
Weds 21st October - Psalm 58
Weds 14th October - Psalm 51
Weds 30th September - Psalm 37
Weds 7th October - Psalm 44
Weds 23rd September - Psalm 30
Weds 16th September - Psalm 23
Weds 9th September - Psalm 16
Weds 2nd September - Psalm 9
Weds 26th August - Psalm 2
Weds 19th August - Psalm 148
Weds 12th August - Psalm 141
Weds 5th August - Psalm 134
Weds 22nd July - Psalm 127
Weds 15th July - Psalm 120
Weds 8th July - Psalm 113
Weds 24th June - Psalm 99
Weds 1st July - Psalm 106
Weds 17th June - Psalm 92
Weds 10th June - Psalm 85
Weds 3rd June - Psalm 78
Weds 27th May - Psalm 71
Weds 20th May - Psalm 64
Weds 13th May - Psalm 57
Weds 6th May - Psalm 50
Weds 29th April - Psalm 42&43
Weds 22nd April - Psalm 36
Weds 15th April - Psalm 29
Weds 8th April - Psalm 22
Weds 1st April - Psalm 15
Weds 25th March - Psalm 8
Weds 18th March - Psalm 1
Worship at Home
Social Media
Year of Faith
Church Life
Latest News
Friends Of The Mombasa Children
War in Ukraine
Alpha News
A Soldier's Letter
Autumn 2023 Update - Hall Welcome and Access campaign
All Saints on Spotify
News Archive
Advent and Christmas
Friends of the Mombasa Children - Newsletter: Feb 2023
Summer Update - Hall Welcome and Access campaign
Update - August 2020
Mothering Sunday
Good Friday Activity
Update on services and Holy Week
Carol Singing
Register for in-person services
In-person and Online
Summer Camp 2020
Update: Dispersed Church
Thy Kingdom Come 2020
James Study Guide
Covid19: Prayer, Plans and Preparation
Weekly News 23/05
Weekly News 09/05
Weekly News 02/05
Weekly News 04/04
March 2020 Update
Weekly News 18/04
Weekly News 28/3
Weekly News 21/3
Curate Announced for 2020
February 2020 Update
Wick Hall Improvement
Community Lunch
Christmas Movie - The Star
General Election Hustings
Update - March 2019
Update - April 2019
Tom's Christmas Letter 2018
Update - November 2018
Same welcome and worship, bigger space!
Inside Out
Update - July 2018
Update - June 2018
Foodbank Meal
Friends of Mombasa Children
Jail Break
Terror, evil and prayer
Holiday Club
November 2020
Church Diary
Children (Super Saints)
Ladies & Men's Groups
Christmas, Easter & Special Occasions
Christmas Services
Carol Videos to sing
Christmas Videos
Baptisms and Dedications
Annual Meeting & Reports
Annual Meeting & Reports
Church of England FAQs
Hire Wick Hall
Our Locations
Wick Hall
Hire Wick Hall
Wick Hall Adult's Groups
Wick Hall Children's Groups
Wick Hall Fitness and Exercise
Wick Hall Recent Improvements
The Garden Room
Our Community Groups
Friday Coffee Morning
Knit & Natter
Tots on Tuesday
Garden Room Cafe
Town Chaplains
How to Know, Love, Follow Jesus
Get to KNOW Jesus
Grow in LOVE for Jesus
Read the Bible
Understand the Bible
Grow in Prayer
Live to FOLLOW Jesus