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War in Ukraine

03 March 2022 09:11
What can we do in response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine?

1. Pray:

Prayer has no boundaries, because God is powerful. You could pray and fast alongside. Commit to praying every meal. Get your homegroup together, your friends together and pray.  Don’t know what to pray? FEBA’s got some good videos.

2. Give

One Challenge is involved with has a Ukrainian appeal you can give to. Find out more and give here. Giving money to good reputable charities is probably the most effective way to practically help those in Ukrainian or fleeing over the border currently

3. Write to your MP:

MPs represent us so contact your MP to share your views on how we should respond as a country. We’ll have different views on how our government should respond but they could include lifting visa restrictions so Ukrainians coming to the UK can escape danger, increasing aid to Ukraine, stronger sanctions again Russia etc. I’m not an expert on the best way forward and some of the suggestions are complex (which is why we need to pray big time for those in authority!), but writing to MP’s helps them know the strength of feeling in their community so contact them and tell them what you think. You can get in touch with your local MP via email or post to their constituency address. Search for your MP here.
You may also like to watch this service from the Diocese of Europe: