Latest News
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Friends Of The Mombasa Children - Summer 2024
You can download the latest Newsletter (September 2024) from our mission partner 'Friends of the Mombasa Children' by clicking here: September_2024_Newsletter.pdf -
War in Ukraine
What can we do in response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine? 1. Pray: Prayer has no boundaries, because God is powerful. You could pray and fast alongside many others across the world on Ash Wednesday (2nd March). Commit to praying every meal. Get your homegroup together, your friends together and pray. Don’t know what to pray? FEBA&rsquo -
Alpha News
Do you ever wonder about life, about why you're here and whether there's more going on than we can see or measure? We'd love to invite you to Alpha - We hope to start small groups for discussion from the Autumn. Do get in touch with us to register your interest. Everyone welcome! -
A Soldier's Letter
During the renovations to Wick Hall, a letter was found under the stage from a soldier to his mother, on the eve of him setting off to fight in WWI. The letter is dated 7th July 1916, and Edward 'Ted' Hutchison died less than one month later. In addition, the following research has been carried out by Ann Brown in partnership with Littlehampton Town Council -
Wick Hall - 2nd Phase of Improvements
Following the refurbishment of the the inside of Wick Hall during the Pandemic, we wanted to make the exterior as welcoming and accessible as possible. This 2nd and final phase of improvements to the hall included: - Replacing the old and broken front doors with new, secure and attractive bespoke entrance doors that make the Hall welcoming, friendly and secure. - Completely  -
All Saints on Spotify
All Saints Talks are now available on Spotify as a free podcast. Head to this link to listen/subscribe: Coming soon to Apple and Google podcasts and also available to listen to on our website: