July Update
A few updates for things coming up in the life of All Saints...
This Saturday - Church Meeting
Tea and coffee from 9.30am, then a chance to hear and discuss making space for future growth. If you can stay, please bring some food so we can share lunch together. All finished by 1pm.
Church Prayer Meeting
I'm bringing this forward a week as the following Sunday will be the final Jail Break performance. So please come and join us for prayer on Sunday 8th July, 6.30-7.15pm. Our focus will be Jail Break and other outreach opportunities.
Jail Break
Tickets are now available for the evenings of 13th-15th July. Please be praying for the event and to see if there are friends you can invite to come and hear this amazing story of God's power at work! More info and ticket booking at: www.allsaintswick.org.uk/
Chilgrove House
We have submitted our proposal to Arun District Council. They have replied to say that they actually have a wider plan for Wick in development to include Chilgrove and they are going to get back to us next month to see if we can be a part of that plan. I'll update you once we hear.
Future Events
Church BBQ Sunday 22nd July, 1-3pm in the vicarage garden. Open to all church members and immediate families. If you can, please bring a drink, salad or pudding. We have a few chairs but you may like to bring a rug or seat.
Pop-Up Fun Mornings on Heo Green, Saturdays 4th, 18th August and 1st September. 11am to 1pm. A chance to take the church out into Wick, to meet our community and let them know about all that God is doing.
Church Away Day, Saturday 15th September, 9.30am - 3.30pm. Time together at Clymping Church hall, for worship, teaching, food, fun and fellowship. Please prioritise coming and sharing together on this day. More details coming soon.
Jonathan Aitken, Sunday 30th September, 4.30pm at St James Church. The former MP is coming to share his story of politics, prison and coming to faith in Christ. A great opportunity to invite non-Christians to hear the Good News told through a fascinating testimony.