Register for in-person services
18 July 2020 12:08
We're aiming for Sunday services in Wick Hall from 9th August, but you will need to register to come along please. There's also a phone number if you'd prefer to register over the phone.
On the same page you can also register for the Wednesday Communion services in All Saints (beginning 5th August). At the moment both services are limited to one registration each for August, but that's only until we know how busy it will be.
Please don't worry if you'd rather wait for now, we're intending to live stream these services so that we can all take part in-person or online, but please bear with any technical issues in the early weeks, somehow even numerous practices don't always eliminate the problems.
For those who'd like to come, we'll all need to follow the government's guidelines which means keeping a 2m distance, no contact, and catching up with people outside on the way in or out. (face coverings are currently optional/recommended but not compulsory!) And please pray that the Lord would protect and bless these steps!