February 2020 Update
I hope you’ve been enjoying the opening chapters of John’s Gospel as we walk with Jesus in those early days of his ministry. I get a strong sense of amazement and surprise from these ordinary people, who’ve started to believe that they’ve found the Messiah. He really is here! And then to think that we can know him too. Less physical perhaps, but no less real. I hope that the Holy Spirit will take John's inspired words and lead us all into a closer walk with, and deeper trust in, Jesus.
There are a few things I’d like to let you know about, in roughly chronological order…
Wick Information Centre
As you will no doubt be aware, we had to end the lease on the Portakabin outside Wick Hall at the end of last year, and sadly make Julie Roby redundant as manager of the Centre as the funding gained in 2013 came to an end. However, the Town Council are continuing to help us run a revised Information Centre that will now operate from the Garden Room (behind All Saints) on Tuesdays and Thursdays, 9am-midday. It will open next Tuesday 11th, so do pop in and have a look!
Natural Evangelism
This Friday from 7-9pm, there is a training evening on sharing our faith at St Mary Magdalene Church Hall, Bersted Street, Bognor Regis, PO22 9QE. This is part of the build-up to a large evangelistic event with J John later on this year, more details coming soon.
Hall Update
Thank you to everyone who helped last month with painting the main hall. It looks much brighter and we now have functioning cupboards for storage. The next and major step will be the removal of the current stage, ready for the construction of a usable platform for our worship services. We have earmarked the week beginning 13th April to close the hall again, and get as much done in a concentrated time as possible. If you might be able to help, please mark it in your diaries! Thank you as well for your patience as we make these changes. I know that it's less than ideal at the moment, but thank you everyone for making the best of the space we have to include everyone in our worship.
Discipling the Nations
This Saturday it is the final seminar in the 'What on earth is God doing?' series run by One Challenge UK It is Saturday 8th February from 08:45 for 09:00 - 11:00 at Parkside Church, St Floras Road, Littlehampton. BN17 6BL. There is a shared continental breakfast from 09:00.
Jan/Feb Mission Partner - PF and prisons generally
It was great to hear from James Baron and a number of our Church family who are involved with ministry at Ford Prison. The Prison Fellowship are our Mission Partners for Jan and Feb.
Lent Course
I am looking at offering a Bible Overview course to begin in Lent and then conclude after Easter. There will be more details coming soon.
Please pray for Carol Boreham as she prepared to retire from her role as CAP Centre Manager. But are you, or anybody you know, passionate about empowering the church to build a bridge into the lives of people in the community? Do you want to tackle one of the biggest causes of poverty in the UK? Then please pray about considering becoming the
new Littlehampton CAP Debt Centre Manager.
The Centre has been running for 3 1/2 years, has a team of 10 volunteers, has done 289 client visits and seen 13 adults and 7 children set free from the effect
of unmanageable debt.
More details and job application at: debt-centre-manager-job-vacancy/