Weekly News 23/05
I'm sending this update a little earlier in the week because tomorrow is the day the Church marks Jesus' ascension, 40 days after his resurrection. We know from the writings of Augustine that this annual celebration had begun in the very early days of the Church, perhaps even as far back as the apostles themselves! So tomorrow (Thursday) at 10am there will be an Ascension Service focused on Jesus' return to Heaven, and I'll include the communion prayer in case you would like to pray along. I would encourage you to also join in with Christians around the world in praying 'Thy Kingdom Come' between then and the day we mark Pentecost, on Sunday 31st May. (Please see the links further down for more information).
This Ascension service (Thursday 10am and available afterwards) will be available in the same way as our 9.30am Sunday and 7.30pm Prayer Services on Mondays and Fridays:
Updates to Zoom for Online meetings
Zoom has been increasing security and this has forced some changes to the codes needed to log in. Please see your email for the latest codes. If you'd like to join us, and don't have the codes, please email me at tom.robson@allsaintswick.org.uk
Other Links
www.allsaintswick.org.uk/DispersedChurch - more updates this week, and do also check the 'Prayer' section of the website for new content.
www.allsaintswick.org.uk/ThyKingdomCome2020 - A global wave of prayer to see more people come to know Jesus. Do explore the suggestions and ideas for prayer.
www.youtube.com/user/bigchurchdayout - This year the Big Church Day Out is online. Free to watch over this weekend.
youth.chichester.anglican.org/maycamp/live/ - The Diocese' youth camp for 11-18 year olds is also online this year, here's the link if that's you or someone in your home!
Thank you all, God bless, and may we all know the peace, hope and love of our risen and ascended Saviour.