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Weekly News 04/04

04 April 2020 09:24

This Sunday is the day that many churches around the world mark Jesus' entry into Jerusalem at the start of what is often called Holy or Passion Week. It is our opportunity to put an even greater focus on all that Christ has done through his death and resurrection to defeat sin, evil and death and fulfil God's plan. It will be strange to do this as a dispersed Church. But it will not be impossible, and it may even serve as a reminder of all that he went through and the ultimate isolation Jesus felt on the Cross. We all know those famous words he spoke, 'My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?' - but why not commit to read Psalm 22 in its entirety in the build up to this Good Friday?

Palm Sunday to Resurrection Sunday

As a Church we have a number of opportunities to grow in our love, trust and faith in Christ this week. I will upload something on to our Youtube channel every day. These will be a selection of readings, prayers and talks from myself and the Readers, focusing on that week in the life of Jesus.

On Monday to Thursday, this will go live at 7pm. On Good Friday it will be at 3pm. Easter Sunday will be at the usual time of 9.30am.
(All the talks will be available to watch anytime afterwards as well)

This is the link to our Youtube page:
And they should also be available to watch through our website:

I am also attaching a free study guide to a book called, 'The Final Days of Jesus.' I would encourage you to use it and ask God to help you dig deep into the spiritual riches of Scripture's account of that week. This takes you through readings and questions to consider all that was going on in 'the most important week of the most important person who ever lived', and all that it still means for us.

Other News
- The Dispersed Church pages of our website are being regularly updated with content: As well as our own resources, there are links to some really helpful and faithful videos, interviews and more.
- Please see the attached News Sheet with readings and collect for Sunday plus further information and articles.
- I am also attaching the flyer for our practical support. We have already been able to help a number of people out in this way, if you are struggling in any way, please get in touch. Likewise if you are able to offer help, please let me know and thank you to those who have already.
- We have people currently hosting online coffee and prayer meetings on Mondays and Wednesdays at 10am and Fridays at 3pm. I am also hosting a weekly online prayer meeting at 7pm on Sundays. I will send the join codes for these in a separate email at the start of each week.
- We are also delivering hard copies of many of these resources to those without email access.

As I write this, the word from our government and their advisers is that this situation will still get worse before it gets better. That the darkness may seem to encroach further before the light shines through. But what hope we have from the day the world fell into darkness as Christ bowed his head. Because then, on the third day, light shone in to a now-empty tomb. The pain of a broken world, where death seems ever-present, is really hard. But, our Saviour has conquered even death itself.

The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. 

He is risen, he is risen indeed. Hallelujah.

God bless,