Weekly News 18/04
This weekend we'll begin a series preaching through the book of James on Sundays. This is a great book for seeing that our faith is not simple something we believe in our minds, but one that changes our hearts and with them the whole of our lives. I really feel that God has led us to these pages of the Bible for exactly this time. In addition to the talks on Sunday, there's a booklet to run alongside and I will send that soon in a separate email. It has an emphasis on personal reflection at home, but it could still be used by homegroups meeting online as a starting point for discussion.
James begins by addressing Christians 'scattered' among the nations and says, Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.'
That's exactly what we'll be exploring with God's help over the next few weeks!
Other News
- Our weekly news sheet is on the Downloads page of our website in two formats: one for reading electronically and one if you prefer to print a hard copy (set up for double-sided, landscape, printing)
- Roger Purdom has begun compiling lists of prayer and praise from across the local churches, as a means of praying and giving thanks as one. The first collection is available here.
- We have a system of practical support for within our church family, and to offer to friends and neighbours. If you or someone you know would like help with picking up shopping or prescriptions, or just to receive a friendly phone call, please let me know and I will co-ordinate with volunteers. So far I think we've had more volunteers than requests which is lovely!
- I know there's a lot of online content right now, and maybe even a danger of being swamped by it. So please make use of what is helpful but don't worry if you need to switch off for a while, and/or make use of the other ways that Christians have found to walk closely with God down the centuries! All of our offerings are found through www.allsaintswick.org.uk/DispersedChurch including links to services on Youtube (www.youtube.com/AllSaintsWick) and other content such as a new national 24 hour prayer initiative and 'Scattered People' daily talks.
Our online pattern looks like this at the moment, but as I say, please feel free to make use of as much as is helpful:
9.30am Streamed Service (Youtube/website)
7pm Online Prayer Meeting (Zoom)
10am Online Coffee & Prayer (Zoom)
7.30pm Night Prayer and Biblical Reflection (Youtube)
10am Online Coffee & Prayer (Zoom)
3pm Online Coffee & Prayer (Zoom)
7.30pm Night Prayer and Biblical Reflection (Youtube)
I'll finish by encouraging us with the reminder Paul gave to the Church in Ephesus of the gift we have in Christ - this shared with me this week as a passage for us today: Ephesians 1:7-14
God bless and speak soon