September Update - Abraham, Away Day & A Pop-up Morning
This Sunday we’re beginning a journey with Abraham and Sarah on Sundays. It's the foundation of God’s people throughout the Old Testament, and remains so relevant for us. Abraham was a mixture of great faith and great mistakes, yet God called him and taught him what it means to follow in faith of his promises. I believe it will be so helpful for us to consider what it means to follow the same God in our lives.
Notes for studying Abraham will be available on Sunday - in bundles for homegroups and separately for individuals not currently in groups. And if you’re interested, here’s a short blog from American pastor Erik Raymond on Abraham, Sarah and trusting in God’s promises: The Promises of God
Updates for September:
Away Day - This Saturday (7th) at St Mary's Church Hall, Climping (Next to Ford Prison)
Arrive from 9.30am for 10am start until 4.30pm. Please a Bible and good shoes if you want to join the walk.
Pop-up - Saturday 14th September, 10am-12pm, meet on Heo Green (End of Courtwick Road)
We had a great time at the beginning of August, and were asked repeatedly to come back.
Please come and join in if you can. If you have a game or activity that would be great, or just come and serve drinks and chat to people in our community.
Also look out for...
One Challenge UK Seminars on World Mission - More info on the Away Day or speak to Roger P
Making Disciples UK - Speak to Jan or Mintie about opportunities in September and January
Installation Service for new minister at St Mary's Littlehampton - Thursday 19th September.
Janet's licensing as Reader - Chichester Cathedral on 28th September
Harvest Service - Sunday 6th October with a collection for the Littlehampton Foodbank
And... more info soon on a new monthly afternoon service with a particular focus on introducing families to faith in Jesus.