Building Project
In 2014, All Saints made plans for a number of improvements to the building.
At the time, the building quotes came back much higher than anticipated. The result was that some of the work was completed (to the patio, doors and garden room.) This left a re-design of the toilet into an accessible space, the installation of glass-panelled doors to make the church appear more welcoming and re-arranged steps and handles to help people get up to the communion rail.
Through fund raising and grants, the cost of the toilet has been met. At the last PCC, it was felt that we should be ambitious in our plans when we lay them before the Lord and prayerfully seek to raise the remaining funds for the doors and the steps. We are also looking into the possibility of whether some of that work could be approved and completed ‘in-house’ to reduce costs.
The current quote for the remaining works is £6,300.
We are asking for pledges so that we can see where we stand before committing to the project, and also as confirmation that this is the right way forward in terms
of making good use of our resources and our building.
For those who feel they are able to pledge towards this project, please download, complete and return this form to All Saints Treasurer, 40 Belloc Road, Wick.