Easter Update
There are a number of things coming up in the life of our church, and so I thought I would try and pull them all-together in this letter (I will print hard copies for church)
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Services and Events over Easter (In All Saints unless indicated)
Ladies Breakfast and Craft Morning. 24th March, 9-10.30am
Please sign-up at the back of church if you’d like to join for a continental-style breakfast and optional Easter crafts.
Palm Sunday. 25th March, 9.30am
Our normal Palm Sunday service in All Saints.
(Maundy) Thursday Communion Service, 29th March, 6.30pm
Lyminster Church are organising this traditional service to reflect on the events of Jesus’ final evening with his disciples.
Good Friday - Walk of Witness, 30th March, 10.15am (Town Centre)
Arun Church are co-ordinating this year, please contact me if you’d like to be directly involved, or just turn up to support on the morning.
Good Friday - ‘Way of the Cross’, 30th March, 2-3pm (Note revised time)
A traditional service of hymns, music, and readings to reflect on Jesus’ substitutionary sacrifice on the cross.
Easter Sunday at Wick Hall, 1st April, 10am
Our Easter morning celebration in Wick Hall, with baptisms and re-affirmations of baptism promises. A great opportunity to invite someone along to hear the good news of Jesus’ victory over evil, sin and death!
Refreshments in the small hall afterwards.
(No evening service on Easter Sunday)
Sharing the Good News of Jesus
Inviting the local community to Easter services
This Easter we’re focussing on inviting the residents of the ‘bird’ roads between Morrisons and the railway line, an area of our parish we haven’t visited much. We’re meeting in Morrisons car park on Saturday 24th March at 11am to go in teams with invitations, All Saints Times and easter eggs. Finishing by midday.
Alpha, begins Wednesday 2nd May at the Vicarage
We had a great response to Alpha last year, from both non-christians and christians wanting to explore faith more. This year Emily and I are going to lead a smaller, more personal Alpha for non-christians in the vicarage beginning Wednesday 2nd May, 7.30-9.30pm.
Could you help provide either a main or a pudding one week? Please let Emily know.
Is there someone you could invite? We will have flyers shortly to hand out. If you’d like to bring a friend along, please feel free to come with them on the first Wednesday but please let us know.
Please can we all pray for response to the invitations and that the Lord would speak through the power of the gospel to those who come!
Please see the attached flyer if you haven’t picked up on this. Speak to Jane Hicks if you’d like to know more and make a note of the taster evening on 24th April.
Year of Prayer
Church Prayer Meeting - In All Saints, Sunday 18th March, 6.30-7.15pm
Week of Guided Prayer - More information and sign-up is at: www.allsaintswick.org.uk/guidedprayer
Prayer for Revival
A group has been meeting on the final thursday of the month to pray specifically for spiritual revival, locally, nationally and internationally. This is open to all christians with a heart for revival and meets at the home of Peter and Elaine Denison, 36 Jervis Avenue, Rustington, BN16 3AR. You might like to read through the notes on the Prayer section of the website. These give you an idea of the focus of their prayer, using an imaginative response to the events of Palm Sunday through to Pentecost.
Church Admin
All residents of our parish and others who’ve been part of the church for 6 months are entitled to be on the church electoral roll. This allows you to stand for PCC etc and to vote at the annual Church meeting. There are forms at the back of church, please sign up if you’re not yet on it! The annual meeting will be held in church on Thursday 26th April, 7 for 7.30pm start. We will be appointing a new church warden, deanery synod rep and 4 PCC members - if you’d like to know about standing for one of those roles, please speak to me!
As always, if you’d like to chat or pray about anything with me then please get in touch.
God bless and thank you,